Carla Beharry

Carla Beharry is a mixed-race, Guyanese-British-Canadian Antiracism Consultant, writer, speaker, and mental health advocate. She works as relationship coach for racialized individuals and intercultural and multi-ethnic families.

Carla is the founder and co-creator of the WOKE WO/MEN’S Stories of Resilience + Challenge Speaking Events and works to build platforms for racialized and marginalized individuals to have a space to share personal stories of overcoming adversity. The WOKE events focus on reducing the isolation can have extreme impacts on our Black, Brown, Indigenous People of Colour who live carrying the weight of trauma and anxiety alone.

Carla is the co-creator of the Antiracism Community Collective, and is an
Antiracism Consultant for workplaces, schools, wellness studios, libraries and corporations who are prioritizing learning about antiracism language, non-performative allyship, diversifying employees, dismantling cultural appropriation for profit, decolonizing wellness spaces and creating businesses that feel like inclusive and equitable environments for racialized and marginalized residents.


Antiracism Consultations for Wellness Studios, Corporations, and Nonprofits:

Personal and Life Coaching for Intercultural Relationships and Families:


Documenting US. Audio Talks, Meditations and Video Conversations for BIPOC, Allies, and Those in Intercultural Families and Relationships:

The Antiracism Community Collective:

BIPOC Wellness Practitioner Database:
My intention in creating this database is to provide a list of wellness practitioners and fitness spaces founded by self-identified People of Colour. Please contact each practitioner directly to inquire about their services.
If you self-identity as being a BIPOC and offer a wellness service and would like to be included on this list, please send me an email at:

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